About Us

We are a collection of project management professionals, and we’ve put together some resources, based on our experiences and research, to help you along your PM journey.

Whether you’re just starting out toward a career in project management or looking to expand and improve your project management skillset, we’ve got something for you.

As we’ve detailed in the article What is Project Management and What Does a Project Manager Do?, prospective PMs should be organized and detail-oriented, first and foremost. A successful project manager is someone who can keep track of all the moving parts of a project and ensure that everything is on schedule.

They are also excellent communicators, able to effectively communicate with team members, clients, and upper management. Communication is a topic that surfaces frequently throughout this site, including in our deep-dive article The Importance of Communication in Project Management.

If you have these attributes, or are interested in developing or improving them, and you’re interested in becoming a project manager, then there are a few resources that can help you get started.

First, we have many great articles on this site with insights from experienced and certified project managers that can help you learn more about the field. We explore topical issues in project management and ways to improve as PMs.

The Project Management Institute (PMI) offers the world’s most-recognized certification for project managers, the Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate. This certification is not required to work as a project manager, but it can be extremely helpful in demonstrating your knowledge, skills, and dedication to potential employers.

PMI also offers many resources, such as books, articles, and online courses, to help you learn more about project management, as well as the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) guide. This document outlines the standard practices in project management. It is a helpful reference for both new and experienced project managers.

So, if you are interested in becoming a project manager, there are many resources available to help you get rolling, starting right here.

And if you’re already a seasoned professional, we hope you’ll find some value in the materials we’ve assembled.

Regardless of where you are in your project management journey, we would love to hear from you, so reach us via our contact form or drop a comment on one of the articles on this site.


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